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RESET 2023 Fasting and Prayer Testimonial

I truly have enjoyed the e-Ministry and Annual Reset Fast sponsored by Morning Star Church for the past 8 years. As participants and believers in Christ, we are challenged during this 21 days fast to limit our food intake and to focus our energy, time and daily task on seeking the face of God. We all have life requests for ourselves, family members and others within our community. As Reset Fasting participants we are to create a personal prayer journal that houses our personal prayer requests we are seeking God for in every area of our lives. It's 2023 and as I review my journals from prior years I am reminded of God's faithfulness toward me and the others that partake in time of prayer together.

Our God is the Great I Am and a mighty producer of miracles, signs and wonders. Collectively we have witnessed acts of healing, deliverance, restoration, reconciliation with family members, closer relationships with God developed, debts paid in full, favorable property purchases, businesses launched and financed, unspoken requests answered, clarity provided and wisdom granted. I personally have seen God work in my life by healing my mother of Cancer and by turning very difficult situations around for my good. If you are in need of miracles, signs and/or wonders taking place in your life, I encourage you to join our corporate RESET Fast in January for this time of spiritual pursuit as we seek the face of our God for directions, clarity and answers for every area of our life.

Dr. Tiffany Richardson, MSC e-Ministry Prayer Warrior

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