About us
Encouraging. Empowering. Equipping.
Morning Star Church
is a growing body of believers that have been equipping,
empowering, and encouraging
the local community
for over 60 years.
The Mission of
Morning Star Church is
to encourage our local community with hope, empower the next generation of faith, and
equip disciples to make disciples.
Our Vision is a multi-cultural, accepting body of believers called by God through Jesus to encourage our local community with hope, empower the next generation of faith, and equip disciples to make disciples.
Meet the Pastor

Reverend Beverly D. Frazier, PhD, affectionately known as Pastor Beverly, is an Assistant Professor in the Law, Police Science and Criminal Justice Administration Department of John Jay College of Criminal Justice, New York, New York. In addition, she is a Senior Fellow at the University of Pennsylvania School Program for Research on Religion and Urban Civil Society in Philadelphia. She received her PhD in Social Welfare from the University of Pennsylvania and her Master of Divinity from Princeton Theological Seminary (PTS).
Pastor Beverly served as an Associate Pastor at the Elim International Fellowship in Brooklyn, New York, where she was ordained by the late Bishop Wilbert S. McKinley. As a member of the cathedral staff at Elim, she serves as Dean, director of planning and assessment. In addition, to her organizational leadership duties at Elim, Pastor Beverly served in ministry word, preaching and teaching, and the administering of the sacraments. Most recently, she served as an Associate Minister at the Shiloh Baptist Church in Trenton, NJ, where Rev. Darrell L. Armstrong is the Senior Pastor. Most of her life, Dr. Frazier has served in congregational ministry in and beyond the walls of the church.
A native of Savannah, Georgia, Pastor Beverly was born the fourth of seven children to Leroy and Flora Frazier. She presently resides in New Jersey and enjoys international travel, hiking, and spending time with her family and friends.
Pastor Beverly is the 6th pastor of Morning Star Church, upholding a long-esteemed legacy. In 2014, the church went through challenges that threatened the existence of Morning Star Church. But through it all, Pastor Beverly ignited the rebirth of Morning Star, instituting a revived worship service, and introducing an upheld weekly Bible study for anyone in the community. In the past 3 years, through the guidance of God and dedicated membership the church, Morning Star not only survived in it all, but is thriving and looking forward to fulfilling its mission in Harlem.

After nearly a century of service in the heart of Harlem, the Morning Star Church is about to be born again.
Pastor Neil looks back at his arrival and finds it hard to comprehend the turnaround. “What the Lord has done for us, through Pastor Beverly, within a matter of three years has been amazing and mind-blowing to me,” he said. “It’s been almost a century, and I’m convinced that God is keeping the doors open for us, because He has a plan and a purpose for Morning Star.”...
The Bible & Salvation
God The Father, The Son, & The Holy Spirit
Baptism &
We believe that Jesus Christ is the son of god and that through his death, burial and Resurrection that we are redeemed from sin and made in right relationship we God
Through the finish work of the cross that we are made sons and daughters
We believe that the Bible is the inspired and infallible word of God.
We believe in the baptism of the Holy Spirit as prophesized by the prophet Joel “ In the last days I will pour our my spirit upon all flesh”
We believe, as believers, we must preach, publish, and defend the Gospel throughout the world.
We believe in God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit.
We believe Jesus Christ was and is the son of God.
We believe the nine gifts of the Holy Spirit can operate directly through a born again believer.
We believe in the bodily resurrection of Jesus Christ as detailed in the Gospel of Matthew.
We place our hope in the imminent return of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
We believe that Water Baptism by immersion following when Christ is accepted as personal Savior, is a testimony of new life and victory over sin and death. All of our Pastors and Staff are available to talk with anyone at anytime about Baptism.
History & Beliefs