Don’t Quit!!
If you have not adhered to your fast, don’t be discouraged and above all, DON’T GIVE UP! The Bible tell us that the righteous fall seven times but rises up again (Proverbs 24:16). You overcome falling by getting up. So, don’t worry. Just begin where you left off. Follow the postings of each day, as they give you solid spiritual and physical steps to staying on track during this time of fasting and consecration.
Congratulations on making the choice to get up and continue with the fast!
Today, Lord, I surrender all to you! I will not give up, even if I have not done everything “right” on this fast. I am the righteousness of God and proclaim victory in your name. Thank you for being the God of another chance!
Complete your prayer list, if you have not done so.
Limit your social activities and increase your time in prayer, meditation and Bible reading and study.
Expect Great Things!!!
