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RESET: Day 19

As we come to these last few days of the fast, I just want to encourage you that you have done a good thing and should expect to receive the benefits of fasting and prayer for the months and days to come. In addition to our physical and material blessings, fasting and prayer also has profound spiritual blessings as well.

Fasting and prayer is a total surrender to the will of God for our lives. It is a declaration that rings true deep within our souls. It is the understanding that there is more and better in life, although it might not be what we planned or in the way we imagined. It is dependence on an all-wise God who has purposed us from our mother’s womb.

Fasting and prayer leads us to a place of peace and wholeness - nothing missing, nothing broken. This is not true because suddenly we have all we’ve ever wanted but because we are in a never-ending process of submission to God’s direction for our lives. And, though it’s not always easy, there is no more peaceful place to be than in the will of God.

I found this quote and thought it would bless you as you are ending your time of fasting and prayer at the beginning of the year.

“Fasting confirms our utter dependence upon God by finding in Him a source of sustenance beyond food. Through it, we learn by experience that God’s word to us is a life substance, that is not food (“bread”) alone that gives life, but also the words that proceed from the mouth of God (Matt. 4:4). We learn that we too have meat to eat that the world does not know about (John 4:32, 34). Fasting unto our Lord is therefore feasting - feasting on Him and on doing His will. “ ~Dallas Willard


I will open my heart and mind to what God will do in my life this year! I am renewed in my spirit and will live life to its fullest. The Lord is living in me! I possess all I need in order to fulfill my destiny. Thank you Lord for a new day!!!


  1. Read posts over the past week for help transitioning from the fast.

  2. Make plans for a new and better life by maintaining a closer walk with God through spiritual disciplines and a healthier diet! Remember take small attainable steps in your plans.

  3. Take a deep breath - you’re almost there!

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