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Summer Harvest Newsletter

Updated: Oct 12, 2022

Grace and Peace to all! I am so pleased to personally welcome you into Fall Harvest! Despite the great loss we have experienced in our relative families as well as the loss the world has experienced at large due to COVID-1, we are remain very grateful to God through this experience. To see how the Lord has smiled upon us as we enter this new phase of growth and development as a church is quite a beauty to behold.

In this booklet we have enclosed the flyers for our events and activities, which include: Morning Altar, Midnight Cry, Pop-Up Prayer on Saturdays at 12 pm (in-person) and all-night prayer (further details TBA). In addition to our in-house events, we have also curated a Summer Harvest Campaign with our surrounding areas in mind, including (but not limited to): the greater Yonkers area, the Bronx, and Harlem. We will be evangelizing by way of going out to the community parks and handing out water, cold treats, and book giveaways in the efforts of winning souls. In order to cultivate the seeds we plan to sow, we have the following tools available to continue the process of evangelism: Community Outreach, Prayer, Online Bible Teaching Series, and much more!

The Summer Harvest has already kicked off for MSC in an awesome way! This past Sunday, we celebrated our recent graduates with a presentation and a love gift. Here at MSC, we believe in undergirding the next generation, which provides them a catalyst into the world and a firm foundation in Christ. One of our greatest goals is to provide them the tools to be successful; both in their careers as well as in evangelism for Christ. In addition to our graduation celebration, we also had a Community Outreach event in the form of a Summer Cookout! The food, the music, and the laughs shared under the shade of a hot summer day felt like family and good times. It was truly an effortless kind of ministry.

In order to bring these types of effective ministry and evangelism to our surrounding areas, we need your help! Hebrews 6:10 says: “For God is not unrighteous to forget your work and labour of love, which ye have shewed toward his name, in that ye have ministered to the saints, and do minister” (KJV). We come into alignment with the belief that as we reap the harvest, God will remember us and our labor. In remembrance of His word, we want to embrace what a loving church looks like. As we continue to grow our loving church, we want to always keep in mind to love one another and to love the ones that God is sending. Remember: how we love determines how we make disciples! Without a doubt, I believe that God is interceding for you all and for the ones that are to come. Specifically, I will be praying for increase, spiritual growth, and overflow for the members and friends of MSC. Get ready! It's going to be an awesome summer filled with games, prizes, food, and lots of fun! Most importantly, it will be an awesome Summer Harvest because of what the Lord is doing.

With much love,

Rev. Dr. Beverly D. Frazier


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